Friday, June 26, 2015

Day 178 - And You Thought You Had It Bad

"Joseph. Persecuted by his brothers. He was sold as a slave to Potiphar. There he became ruler of the house. Just when things were getting better the lady of the house lied on him and now he goes to the prison. Once again Joseph takes a step down in life but in heart steps up and becomes ruler of the prison. Until one day he steps out of the prison into the palace. He gives a plan which opens the door for him to be given a position. The plan was a process that required pain and patience to get progress and the promise which included prosperity (children and family together, lives are saved). In the end he realizes his God given purpose."

The story of Joseph is one of my favorites in the Bible. I think he is to be admired and we could all benefit by learning from his life. I can't even read the account let alone watch "Joseph, Prince of Dreams" without tearing up. (For those of you not familiar with Joseph, Prince of Dreams it was the second movie after the more popular Prince of Egypt movie... so yes, I am crying while watching a cartoon. Don't judge.) 

Looking over the mouthful I wrote last year I think it gives a great synopsis of the story while also showing practical steps for us to follow. Just look at all the words that start with the letter 'p'. 

Persecuted, Prison, Palace, Plan, Position, Process, Pain, Patience, Progress, Promise, Prosperity, Purpose. 

That is a whole lot but so is the story of Joseph. Sermons have been preached and volumes could be written on the life of Joseph. We all should look into and learn from his life. The take away is that if you think you have it bad just take a look at his life. He was betrayed by those who should have protected him, lied about and cast into the lowest place. Yet after all is said and done he recognizes the hand of God through it all and forgives and blesses those who hurt him the most. 

Will we do the same? No matter how hard life gets I know that if Joseph, and Jesus, could endure what they did and extend forgiveness then we can too. It may not be easy but it will be the greatest thing we do. The volumes written in Heaven will record the amazing stories that will come from the perseverance of people like you and me. 

What do you admire most from the life of Joseph? How can we endure and forgive like he did?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Steve, this is not the place to promote your blog or push your doctrines. Thanks, Dan
