Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 161 - God's Business

"We had an estimate for our blinds to be repaired on the back door. It seemed like we got taken because the lady gave us a price we thought included installation but then she added $99 for installation. We just went ahead with it and I prayed that if it was the wrong price The Lord would reveal it."

I think we all could say that at one time or another we have been taken on a business deal or in a purchase. It makes you angry doesn't it? 

As a Christian it makes it even harder to be a shrewd business man or woman. There is an expectation that we are to turn the other cheek and let people wrong us without any recourse. Additionally you have a witness to uphold. If you misuse or abuse people in business they won't want to have anything to do with your God. 

So often it feels like you are a sheep being sent out among wolves. But isn't that what Jesus said anyway? If that is the way it is in our Christian walk then why would it be different in business. I can't tell you how many times I have been mistreated or had to turn the other cheek in business or purchases. God has always taken care of me. He is the best business partner you could ever have. 

After all the extra money I have spent to maintain my witness and keep my integrity I have lacked for nothing. God always makes up the difference. We have lived tight from time to time but we have never lacked. You can trust Him. Your good name is worth more than an extra $99. 

Have you ever had to pay more because you were keeping your Christian witness or upholding your word? Are there any other principles of business this could apply to?

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