Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 163 - Contrasts

"Quite a contrast."

Life is full of contrasts. Life and death. Light and dark. Joy and sadness. Adventure and boredom. I enjoy contrasts. It would be quite monochromatic without them. 

I enjoy photography and part of a good composition is contrast. Think about the best picture you have seen in black and white. I would bet it wasn't blurry and hard to see the edges. The contrast made it interesting and kept your eye moving or focused it into a certain part of the picture. 

Life's contrasts will do that as well. You may not remember the blurry days filled with activity and much of the same. You do however remember the extremes. You remember the anger, the sadness, the joys and the peaks. 

I think that is why it has been a good thing for me to journal every night. This process of looking at last year and seeing the contrast has given me a perspective I wouldn't have had otherwise. I see the growth and the changes of life. I see how we overcame in times of trial and how God's hand was working behind the scenes. They say hindsight is 20/20. Yes, sometimes it is. Sometimes you need a bit of contrast to show you where the focus was. 

Do you enjoy contrast in life? How can we get a greater perspective?

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