Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Day 274 - Conversations Never Had

"It will be a good conversation when we have it."

The truth is we never had the conversation. We needed to have it and it would have been good for us but it never happened. 

There are two ways to make sure we don't repeat errors like this. Follow up and follow through. Start with follow up. Someone has to be on top of the issues and remember what is important. With the reminders come a follow up. Anyone can do it. It can be delegated or assigned. It can be a task, a reminder or a calendar appointment on a computer or on your cell phone. 

Then comes follow through. Who is responsible? Is it one person or a team? How are they to accomplish the goal. What is the time frame? What is the budget? 

Before you think this only works in business realize that it works in home, ministry, personal goals and any other of life's scenarios. Follow up with the conversation about your marriage. Follow through with family plans with your kids. Follow up with your relational goals. Follow through with your financial plan. 

Don't wait and miss out. Otherwise a year from now you will be looking at conversations that needed to happen that never did. 

What are some more ways to follow up? How can we ensure that we or someone else follows through? 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day 273 - Resisting Temptation

"I am reading the end of 1 Corinthians 9 into chapter 10 and hadn't really connected the thoughts of running the race, being temperate and then watching out for the pitfalls shown to us by the desert wanderings of Israel. These examples come and then the encouragement that God gives us a way of escaping temptation. It will never be more than I can handle. That means that when I do fall to temptations it is willful rebellion. I can handle it because God is watching my way. My choice is to bear up under it, flee from it (not cowardice but courage like Joseph) or to indulge in it. The first two are noble, honorable and upright. The last one easy, lazy, cowardice, rebellious and not ok."

Every human that has ever lived has encountered temptation. Even Jesus. The only one who has never given in to temptation is Jesus. He showed us in His life how to overcome when tempted. 

First of all He was lead by the Spirit. We need to realize that God lives in us if we are born of His Spirit. We can hear His voice. Where God leads we can be sure He has a plan and knows the way through. 

Second He confronted issues and didn't ignore them. I personally have to go against my flesh and natural inclination to ignore the problems and confront the issues. If we don't hit it head on we will be hit head on. What we allow will become more and more of a temptation and eventually a stronghold. 

Finally we see that Jesus spoke the Word of God. It is powerful when we speak God's Word. It is a seed that has power within itself to produce after it's own kind. We should be full of God's Word and speak the truth about our life, about the situation and about our enemy when tempted. 

Jesus endured and didn't give in to continuous tempting a of the devil. Jesus was lead by the Spirit, confronted the issues and spoke the Word. We have the perfect example of how to overcome and the assurance that God will keep us in a place of safety. The only way we can fail is if we choose to!

Do you see any other traits Jesus exemplified to overcome temptation? Read 1 Corinthians 9 & 10; how do these chapters show us how to endure temptation in practical ways? 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 272 - Ignoring God

"From Spurgeon: “A wife may when her husband is upon a journey, abide many days without holding converse with him, but she could never endure to be separated from him if she knew him to be in one of the chambers of her own house.”

This struck me because of how often we ignore the presence of God in our lives. We should be with the Lord as we are with family and friends. Ever aware and wanting to be with Him."

There are verses in the Bible that can easily be overlooked and misunderstood. One of them is "Pray without ceasing". If all we did was pray then we would never fulfill the commission to go and make disciples. Obviously to pray without ceasing means something other than don't do anything other than pray. What it really means is to keep the lines of communication open. We should always be in constant contact and aware of the presence of God. 

How different would life be if we lived more aware of God's presence? Would we speak to others the same way? What would we watch or not watch? Where would our attitudes or opinions change? 

I believe that this is how God wants us to live. He desires to be 'our God' and we 'His people'. He wants to 'dwell' with us. God's intent is that we live in His presence behind the veil. You see, in the temple there was a thick veil that separated man from God. No one could enter except the High Priest and he could only enter once a year on the day of atonement. That was the day that the sacrifice for sins was made. After the priest did his duty he had to leave the presence of God. 

The good news is that we are not living in those times any more. The way has been opened for us. Jesus has made the way for us to live in God's Presence behind the veil God now lives in our hearts. He has given us His Spirit! We have constant access to Him. 

We should never ignore God. He should be our first and last and everything in-between. Remind yourself that the Lover of your soul is always with you and desires your company. How awesome is that?! The Creator and King of the universe wants to be with you! 

Pray without ceasing...

What are some ways to remind ourselves of God's presence? How different is life when we live with the reality of His presence? 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Day 271 - If I Ran The World

"I am reading in 1 Kings 20 how God delivered the Syrians to King Ahab. It is so opposite of what we would do for a sinful King like Ahab was. Here God gives a special prophecy, the plan and hands the leadership and the victory to Ahab. Even after all that Ahab still turns his back on the God who delivered him."

If I ran the world it would not look like it does today. I would have wiped out a lot of people by now and made a mess of things. Thank God He is perfect and has eternity in mind. God knows what He is doing. 

It is easy for me to look around and see suffering and injustice and get discouraged or distracted. The questions of 'why?' come to mind. What I have to come back to is that God is good no matter what and His patience and long-suffering are for the salvation of the lost. 

We know that God had a purpose in handing a wicked King like Ahab a victory. He also had a purpose with Nebuchadnezzar and Rome and so many others throughout history. We could wonder at why God would allow genocide and sex-trafficking. Why would God allow the wicked to prosper? 

These questions have driven many away from God. There is a man in the Bible who had the same questions. He saw the wicked prosper and was grieved. He didn't understand at all until he went to the House of God. It was there he understood the end. God sees the whole picture. Even though the wicked may prosper here on earth they will receive according to their works in eternity. The same goes for those who are Godly. We may receive evil and hard things here on earth but we will receive according to our works in eternity. 

We should consider that God will tell the end of the story. He has the final word. Ahab may have lived life in a palace but he died on the battlefield and the dogs licked up his blood. His wife had a terrible death and his family was all cut off from the earth quickly. 

Don't fear. God is on your side and loves you. Follow Him and His ways and He will take care of you. Bless and do not curse, forgive and love. God Himself will repay and He will settle all accounts on the final day. 

How different would the world be if you ran it? What scriptures remind us that God is in control?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Day 270 - Full Time Ministers

"It really is a matter of people seeing themselves as a full time minister and bringing people to church."

A lot of times people think it is the paid ministers and pastors that do the work of the ministry. The Bible teaches us otherwise. We all are full time ministers. 

A minister really is a servant for the people. Anyone who is a follower of Jesus is a servant. Jesus Himself said that no servant is greater than his master. We are to follow His example. He came to serve and we should too. 

The Bible teaches that ministers and pastors really are there to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. As we do it will cause growth to the body of Christ. That growth occurs from winning souls and making disciples. 

If you are a Christian then you have a vital role to play in the growth of the church. Do your part. Tell someone about Jesus. Invite someone to church. Lead a small group or serve in a ministry. Find your giftings and your passions and put them to use for the kingdom. You may get paid in a job to take care of your bills and your family but you are a full time minister! 

How does seeing yourself as a full time minister change how you live? What can you do to see yourself as a full time minister? 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Day 269 - Pride

"Pride can creep in and make you think you are stable when you are really ready to fall."

We have all heard the proverb that pride comes before the fall. It is true. Just when you think you are all that you are humbled. I would rather humble myself than be humbled. Wouldn't you? 

I studied out the word pride throughout the Bible and found that it is never used in a good way. Our common use is that we are proud of our accomplishments, proud of our kids and even proud to be an American. I get what people are saying but I wonder if we aren't saying the wrong thing and should maybe search for a better way to say it. Semantics? Possibly, but God made a point of changing names and never mixed words. Why wouldn't we give attention to it as well? 

I think the most compelling reason I think I am inclined to change my speech is because of what God says about Jesus. He never said He was proud of His Son. Wouldn't God have all the more reason to be proud? And yet we find a different word used by God when He speaks of Jesus. He says, "This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased." 

Try it out. You may feel silly saying it at first but after a while you might find that being pleased with your accomplishments, your family and you nation may be more fitting than being proud. 

Now before you tell me of the scriptures that say not to get into foolish and stupid arguments about words let me say that this is not a black and white thing. If you choose to continue present day use of the word proud I have no issues. 

We do have permission from the Word to boast. Paul boasted of his infirmities. We are also told that if we are going to boast we should boast in the Lord. I think those are two areas we could do a better job boasting in. I don't know it all but I do want to be pleasing to God. 

What do you think? What is the real difference between being pleased and proud? 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day 268 - A Tough Terrible Day

"What a tough terrible day. Not that anything on its own was tragic or too much but when it was all added up it climaxed in becoming a day to remember for all the wrong reasons. The great consolation is that God is in control and works all things for our good. The question is am I willing to work through the problem and trial in order to get to the good?"

We have all had days like this where it is one thing after another. Add it all up and you end up negative. It is tough to navigate these types of days because you know that Jesus is on the throne and that you can handle it but you just want to throw in the towel. 

I recently had some really good advice given to me by a very wise friend. He told me that tough days will come and it is okay to quit every day as long as I show up on time the next morning. It takes the edge off a hard day when you realize that tomorrow is a new day. God has new mercies every morning. 

It is like the manna that the children of Israel had to get her in the wilderness. The scenery may not have been pleasant and they probably felt lost but every morning the blessing of God was to be gathered and taken in throughout the day. The Bible even describes the manna as sweet tasting like honey. 

Later Jesus reveals that He is the bread that came down from heaven. We can feed on His faithfulness and on the Word of God every day. He is the sweetness in bitter and harsh circumstances. He is the source of our energy and the life to our existence. All we have to do is get with Him each day and feed on His Word. It will carry us through every trying and tough day. 

Have you been through a tough day recently? What scriptures do you go to when you are going through a trial? 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 267 - Refresh, Renew, Revitalize

"From Spurgeon: “If old plans will not answer, we must try new ones, for fresh experiments sometimes achieve more than regular methods.” 

This is a good leadership and ministry lesson. We cannot expect the same thing to work with changing culture and generations. Set about in a fresh way or look for a new ministry opportunity. Refresh, renew, revitalize."

I have been living in a transition time of leadership for the past five years. With the transitions I have found that some things are working well. The old saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it" still applies. Also as we ride out the transition there are some things that are not working. With these is where we focus and try new things. 

We often have to refresh. Not just a new coat of paint (though that is not a bad idea sometimes). We need to remind ourselves of purpose. If it no longer applies then what is the purpose? How will you achieve that purpose? Is there a better way to do it? 

If it doesn't just need a refresh then maybe it is time to renew. Start over. Start something new. We never like to shut something down but maybe there needs to be a closure to open something else. 

One of my favorite moments from a recent conference was from Dr. Jim Reeve's message. He passionately asked "How long will you mourn over Saul?!" The question comes from the story of Samuel who was to anoint a new king but was still sad about the previous dynasty and was holding on to the past. Often we keep a death grip on things that we like but need to change. Time to renew. 

The best is last, revitalize. It is time to breathe new life into our business, home, church, and whatever other endeavors we are involved in. This comes with prayer, passion and pursuits. If you have let things get cold then some fresh prayer and passion as well as the pursuit of it will heat it up! 

What are some other ways we can do something new that I didn't list? Have you seen this principle work in business or ministry? 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Day 266 - Hope

1 Corinthians 9:10b “…he who plows should plow in hope, and he who threshes in hope should be partaker of his hope.” 
"Sometimes I forget hope in my work. My work is lighter and better when I see my hope by the eye of faith ahead of me. Like the last leg of a race or the final turn before I get home there is a joy before me of hope that carries me and energizes me."
Some people don't like hope because they don't want to hope and not ever attain. The Bible agrees that hope deferred makes the heart sick. But we do not hope like the world does. Our hope is in an unchanging God who cannot lie. 
If we will allow ourselves to hope we will be carried further. Our faith will be stronger; remember that faith is the substance of things hoped for. Hope is the blueprint that faith goes to work on. 
You can have the greatest hope that doesn't disappoint. You will be a partaker of that hope like the verse says. Set your hope in Christ and on His word. Faith will take over and grace will work with you to get the job done! 

Do you have a hard time with hope? How can we have a healthy hope? 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Day 265 - 100 Days Left

"We saw Lecrae on the Tonight Show because he has the number one album in the nation right now."

I remember watching this guy on the television rapping in between the sections of the Tonight Show and thinking "Who is this guy? He's good." I am not a huge rap listener but I know good music and this guy was good. To my joy and surprise it was Lecrae. I had heard some of his albums and have enjoyed some of the compilations he has done with other artists like Chris Tomlin. He is a believer and brother in the Lord. 

At the time he had the number one album so they had him sitting in with The Roots. Jimmy Fallon was interacting with him and said he wanted to have him back as the featured musical guest. 

My heart leaped because there was a Christian who was piercing through the darkness and shining the light of Jesus in mainstream secular culture. 

I am grieved every time I hear someone say that Christian music isn't as good as secular music. First of all that shows me there is no loyalty for the brothers and sisters out there that are trying to represent the Lord through music. Second, when I listen to Christian music versus secular I personally think the Christians are more cutting edge and more creative. Go listen to David Crowder, Rend Collective, Capital Kings, Toby Mac, T-Bone, Switchfoot, or hundreds of others who are pushing the envelope and creating fabulous music for the Lord and His people. There is a reason Hillsong and Bethel music are popular. The music is not just good, it is great! 

As I wrap up this post let me get down of my soapbox and bring home the point. We have one hundred days left of this year. The Holy Spirit is living in you and you have the creative power and insight of God. What could we do with the last one hundred days of the year? Do you remember the goals you set in January? Have you fulfilled those goals? How many of those goals were for there? Like, 'witnessing to my old friends' or 'repairing my relationship with my family'. If we have the power of God in us then we should be impacting the world on a huge scale. The fact is we do. 

Where are you called? What is your part in the Harvest? Who will you tell and how will you do it? Is there a door of opportunity opened to you in business or finance? Are you an artist or musician who is called to that arena? Maybe your calling is in politics or government. You could be called to be a mom who reaches the world one relationship at a time. Whatever the case is run in your lane and do it in the power of the Holy Spirit and like Lecrae, people will sit up and take notice. Isn't that after all what Jesus said? Matthew 5:16 (NKJV) "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

What do you plan to do for the next 100 days? How will it impact eternity? 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Day 264 - Prayer Works!

"Prayer works!"

I truly believe it! I have seen instant and long awaited answers to prayers. I have heard others pray and get results and responses. I have received impossible things and seen miracles. My prayers have worked for others and for myself. 

My prayers have even changed the course of nature itself. One time when we were about ready to leave from Bible College to come back home there was a tornado headed right where we were staying. We grabbed hands and prayed and while we prayed we heard the newscaster on television say; "Oh, it looks like the tornado got caught in the river below the city and will pass by without doing any damage on it's new course." Praise God that is an answer to prayer. 

Hopefully by now you are ready to pray. Ask as big as your God is! 

Have you seen answers to prayer? What was your most memorable?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Day 263 - From Bad to Best

"We went for milkshakes at a place we heard was good. They ended up being an average milkshake but way overpriced."

I smile when I read the quote from last year. It sounds like a good review of something bad. 

Have you ever heard of something that sounded so amazing that you just couldn't wait to get a hold of it but when you finally got it you wished you hadn't wasted your time and money? That was my experience with these milkshakes. 

The wonderful thing is that an average milkshake didn't ruin my day. In fact when bad things happen that should ruin my day I still don't let them. God is too good, life is too short and Heaven too real to be crying over temporary situations and circumstances. 

God works all things together for our good. The worst of things can even produce good. Need proof of that? Just look at the cross. It was the most terrible thing that could happen. God in the flesh, crucified and dead. But the Spirit raised Jesus and it made the way of our salvation. 

If you have been having bad, or even average days, just look to the Father to see how He is going to turn it around. He will make those things work for your good. 

Have you ever spent too much on something disappointing like the milkshakes? What bad thing has God worked together for your good? 

Day 262 - Stepping Into the Void

"I enjoyed coaching the team."

I am a full time pastor employed by the church. My weekends are workdays. I work Wednesday night's for church services and in the fall I teach in our Bible College. I never thought I would be able to coach my son's soccer team. But that is exactly what happened last year. 

The coach who was supposed to run the team was taken away from coaching by his work schedule and he commissioned all the dads to step up and help cover the bases. For the most part we did it all together. But as the season progressed and work schedules for the dads changed we all had to lead at some point. So in the void of leadership I found myself running practices and organizing the team. 

It was different and I did enjoy the competitive aspect of the game. I lead for a living so some of the skills needed to coach came naturally to me. I wasn't able to be there one hundred percent of the time but when I was there it was a nice change of pace and most of all I got to be with my boy on the field. 

Sometimes it is moments of crisis or in a void that we have to step out in faith. The neat thing about it is that no matter how scary it may seem or how insecure we can be God is with us. We can't lose when we step out in faith and He backs us. Stepping into the void can be scary. It can also be some of the best times of life. 

Have you had to step out into an area you were uncomfortable with? Did you end up enjoying it? 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Day 261 - What Can I Do?

"Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial." 

The above quote is a loose version of what you find in 1 Corinthians 10. As Christians we have many freedoms that we can and often should forgo for the sake of others. It is more important to win souls than to be comfortable. 

The question that is often asked is "What can I do?" Or more accurately; " How close to the line can I get?" At its core the question could be likened to being on the edge of a cliff saying "How close can I get to the edge effort I fall off?"  We see the folly in that question. 

I often suggest to people with this question that they look at the benefit. If it is not essential or beneficial then why get close to the line at all? I would rather live and major on the things which will benefit and bless. Too many times we focus on what we don't have rather than what we do have. What we do have is greater and more important to our future. 

What are the essentials? What things are beneficial that we should focus on? 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Day 260 - History is on Repeat

"The church service went well with a good message on where strength comes from and working with the strength of God in humility, holiness and happiness. Afterward we opened it up for the baptism of the Holy Spirit."

At 260 days into this blog and after keeping a journal for 625 days I have noticed that History is indeed repeating itself. I used to think of it in terms of the same thing happening in a different time with different people and different circumstances. What is really tripping me out is that in my journal with the same people in the same places and roughly the same time, only one year apart, the same things are happening. 

Case in point; last year's quote shows that on the Wednesday night this day a year ago the topic was "Strength" and we opened it up for the baptism of the Holy Spirit after church. I just got home from Wednesday night church a few hours ago where the topic tonight was "Strength" and at the end of the service we opened it up for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 

This isn't the only occurrence of this type of thing happening. I have seen through my journal that for the most part I have preached the same days, did activities on the same days and even fought with my wife on the same days. This is either a crazy coincidence or God is getting our attention in the details. 

Moses prayed in Psalm 90 to the Lord to teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom. This year I have seen that as I have numbered the days and stayed faithful to my commitment to journal and blog I have gained wisdom. I have seen the truth in the statement that hindsight is 20/20. I am also going into the future with greater confidence in the Divine Providence of God. 

Our steps are ordered of the Lord. It is obvious when I see things like today's entry. God knows what He is doing and He will give us the wisdom we need each day. 

How have you seen history repeat itself? What wisdom did you draw from it? 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Day 259 - Family Traditions

"We had fish tacos for dinner and played connect four with the kids before putting them to bed."

Growing up there were some traditions our family had. There were also routines for the week days and weekends. We would pray together as a family before bed. Thanksgiving was at Grandma's house and all the cousins would play outside before coming in to eat. On New Year's Eve we would have Italian Sausage sandwiches with onions and bell peppers. 

Now that I have my own family we are creating our own traditions and routines. We still pray together as a family. Holidays are spread over both families. We still enjoy the Italian Sausage sandwich from time to time and not just on New Years. Also we have a taco Tuesday every so often like we did last year. 

I wonder at times what my children will remember. Will the fun times and traditions we have kept be something they appreciate? Will they remember the relational aspects more than other things? What will they incorporate into their families? 

Above all I hope that they remember how much we love them. I also hope that with that same love they love their families. We have a short time and these little memories will shape who they become. 

What traditions or routines do you remember as a kid? Have you incorporated these traditions into your family or have you started new traditions and routines? 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Day 258 - It won't be as bad as you think

"They both appreciated the fact that we reached out to invite them back to church." 

The anticipation of an event is often worse than the event itself. When I think about confrontation and conversations they play out in my mind as terse and bad. When the actual event happens I mostly get responses like my quote from last year. There is appreciation, respect and love. 

Maybe it is the cynicism of our society that we are immersed in or maybe it is just human nature but don't we often go to the negative. the Bible encourages us to believe the best. If we did we wouldn't dread the conversations we know we need to have with people. If we speak the truth in love then the power of love will be in the conversation. 

Be bold and be brave. Things will turn out better than you think. Especially if God is on your side! 

Do you have any anxiety when it comes to confrontation or important conversations? How do you draw strength to press ahead in spite of how you feel? 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Day 257 - The Perfect Meal

"We threw down cereal for dinner."

As a kid there were days that I actually had cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner (and possibly dessert too!). To me it was the most perfect food. I didn't think it would ever get old. 

Now that I have children and am responsible for their health and well being I am more aware and try to keep fruits and vegetables as a part of their diet. Every now and then though we are rushing or are just lazy and instead of the traditional foods we turn to that perfect food once again and have cereal for dinner. 

I don't think I could have cereal all the time now. Especially if there was only one type to eat. I imagine that is what the children of Israel may have felt like before they entered the promised land. They were eating manna in the wilderness for forty years! I am sure there were days, if not years, they were just hoping for some variety. 

The one meal I never get tired of is God's Word. No matter how many times I read the same scriptures there is always something new to find. I have been a Christian for 20 years and have been studying the Bible throughout. What amazes me is that there are still times in my studies where I say to myself, "Why have I never seen that scripture before?" I know I have read it but at that moment God made it alive. 

How do you feel about the same thing all the time? Is reading the Bible the same to you or is it different each time? 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Day 256 - Casting the Net

"There was one salvation at church but two girls came forward so maybe both got saved today."

We give altar calls at every church service we hold. In any church service there will be the uninformed, the unbelieving and the believer. So we fish for souls and cast the net. The neat thing is that we are not at it alone. 

There were two times in Jesus interaction with the disciples where they were fishing all night and caught nothing. Jesus showed up and gave them instruction on how to cast and they were able to bring in a supernatural catch. First of all he told them to launch out into the deep. We shouldn't be afraid to engage people on a deep spiritual level. Shallow connections may bring people to church for a while but without a deep connection they won't stay. On the second occasion he says to cast on the right side. When we do things out of a pure motivation, the way God would have us to we will find we get the right results. 

Finally, Peter gives us one more tip. He says to Jesus in the first encounter that they had toiled all night and caught nothing but at His word he would cast out for a catch. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it is the right time or place for fishing for souls. But when we are obedient God moves on our behalf. We have preached on finances and had very stale and informational messages that we didn't think anyone would respond to an altar call. If we were led by feelings we would have skipped the call and dismissed because we would have thought "Who is going to respond after that?" To our surprise we have had huge responses afterward. We were obedient and God blessed our efforts. 

All Christians are called to be fishers of men. Don't go at it alone. Do it God's way, listen to His voice and follow him. Cast out for a catch. 

Can you think of some people right now who you can share the gospel with? When and how will you share with them? 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Day 255 - Why Church?

"There is so much on why church I really had to hone in on what I felt The Lord would have me to say."

Last year we did a short series on why we should attend church. There has been a lot said about whether it is necessary for a person who is a Christian to attend church. People have left church because of the confusion and some have even left the faith. 

When I read the Bible I see that it is not only important but also central to the Christian life to attend, serve, promote and be the church. We all have a place and a part to play in the church. 

Jesus said He would build the church. Paul called it the pillar and ground of truth. The author of Hebrews exhorted that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as is the habit of some. In the Old Testament it even speaks of the House of God numerous times and encourages us to be planted, find clarity and that it is better to be there than anywhere else. 

With all that said why would we question if it is right for a Christian to go to church? Let's not get down on church lets stir ourselves up and get there more. Pray for our leaders and for growth in church. Lift up the people who are attending and those who need to come. Serve and give with gladness and talk it up to others. All this will make for a great momentum in church. 

What other reasons should we go to church? Are there other ways to be involved? 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Day 254 - The Grind

"I am tired after another long full day."

A year later I could say the same thing about today. We got started early and finished late. The range of situations we dealt with were diverse. Both personal and business lines were blurred and bled over into each other. Not everything was clean and nice. We dealt with a lot of mess all the while wondering if we were doing the right things. 

I find comfort in looking at the life of Jesus. He had long days, missed meals, prayed a lot and even slept in the middle of a storm. The messes He dealt with weren't just the sick and demon possessed but also from those of His company. The wonderful thing about Jesus life and ministry is that those messes became the message. 

If your days are long and life feels like a drag know that your labor is not in vain. The prayers and hard work will pay off. All the effort and energy you spend on faith, family, business, and people will be rewarded. The fact that you're tired means that you have been living. 

How do you keep going when you feel like life is a grind? What sense of accomplishment is there when you feel tired from a long days work? 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day 253 - Starting in the Middle

"Wednesday isn't a hump day for me but the start of the work week."

Sometimes I don't know the direction I am going when I start writing my daily blog post. I am often fascinated by the creative process that my words take me on and how starting with a thought turns into a real understanding. 

Many times as I write I find that thoughts need to be moved around. Paragraphs will come out part way through that clearly are meant to be introductions. After some cut and paste Magic the thoughts are organized and make better sense. 

I start my work week on Wednesday and work through Sunday because that is where the action is for my job and what I do. Weekends at church are so important that we start in the middle to prepare. 

What does all this have to do with you? Glad you asked. 

Many times people don't start a project or get going on life because they don't know where to begin. I would encourage you if you feel this way to just start with what you have. Begin somewhere, even if it is in the middle. When you get further into whatever it is you can sort out the details and make things pretty. 

Do you have an idea or motivation but don't know where to start? Is there a 'middle' that you could start on to get things moving? 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day 252 - Finish the Sentence

"For some reason I got it in my head to make crab cakes. I got a recipe from the How to Cook Everything app. They turned out well. Pretty tasty."

I like to cook. A bit of culinary adventure from time to time makes me happy and if I had a stronger stomach might even consider being a 'foodie'. Last year I ventured out and made crab cakes (which I posted a picture online and got rave reviews). All I needed was a recipe, ingredients and the drive to make it happen. 

Lots of things are like that. You could build a business or finish that home project if you had the right stuff, the plan and the drive. You could have a great marriage or be a wonderful parent if you knew what to do and really wanted it. 

I find that there is usually not a lack of resource but rather a lack of drive. People want something in their minds but their hearts aren't in it enough to go after it. They don't want to sweat or bleed. They would rather not be sore or tired at the end of the day.  

Finish the sentence; "I can do all things..." We know this verse and we also know that it is "through Christ who gives me strength". But we lack the drive. The statement Paul made when he wrote this was saying that Paul had no obstacles, not even himself. When you have this attitude that you can do it, you will. But if you don't think you can then you won't. It starts in the head but then it is backed by the heart. 

Today examine your dreams and see if you really want them. If so then it is time to declare that you can do it through Christ. The resource will be there if you have the drive. Even if it is just to learn to make crab cakes. 

What are some things you have desired to do but haven't got started on yet? What are the obstacles and how can you overcome them? 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Day 251 - Rebuilding Jericho

"From the Word: 1Kings 16:34 it talks about a man who during the reign of the wicked king Ahab built Jericho. He laid its foundation, or started the work, at the cost of his firstborn son, and hung its gates, or finished the work, at the cost of his youngest. He had to either be ignorant of the curse Joshua attached to rebuilding the city, unbelieving that the word would come to pass, or he cared more for the work of rebuilding Jericho than he did the lives of his family. In any of these cases he is in a bad predicament. Do we at our own cost and misfortune rebuild what God has miraculously delivered into our hands? Galatians 2:18 says “For if I build again those things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor.”"

In the New Testament we also read that a man who returns to their sin is like a dog returning to its own vomit. How disgusting to think of. And yet the illustration sticks doesn't it? The very thing that upset us and made us sick and weak that our body rejected we want to consume again. 

There is a part of an old hymn called "Come Thou Fount" that catches me every time I sing it. It says "Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart Lord take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above." It identifies honestly the fight that we all go through in the flesh. Our flesh wars against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. We have to cling to the Lord in humility and refocus our attention heavenward. 

God is able to deliver. We need to be wise enough to leave the pile of rubble alone as a memorial rather than rebuild our Jericho. 

What are some ways we can keep from rebuilding our Jericho? How do you think God feels about when we rebuild what He has delivered into our hands? 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Day 250 - No Other Way

"Faithful, faith filled and faith focused."

These are three points from a sermon my brother in law preached last year. They are life long lessons. We are constantly adjusting and correcting our course to stay with these three areas. 

There is no other way to please God than by faith. There is also no other way to do life than by faith. You have to have faith to be a Christian, have friends, make marriage work, raise kids, build a business etc. 

We are faithful when we show up consistently for our duties. We are faithful when we are loyal and won't get off track with something or someone. Our commitment is no commitment at all if it isn't consistent. That is where faithfulness comes in. We must be able to be counted on and trusted. Are we faithful to our families, to our marriages, on the job, to our friends, and most of all to our God? 

If we are going to be faithful we need to be faith filled. We need to get as much of God's word inside of us because that is where faith comes from. Otherwise without the Word of God we will believe anything. God has ways and thoughts that He wants us to hear and be a part of. We will only get there and be filled with faith when we get into the Word. 

All this happens with a faith focus. What we give our attention to is what matters and what is produced in our lives. With the same measure of attention and interest we give it will be given back to us. It is very important to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and look to Him for what we are in faith for. Seek the Giver and you will have no lack of gifts. Seek the Lover and you will be loved. Seek the Healer and you will be healed. 

What are you believing God for? Which of these areas do you need to grow in?

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Day 249 - Where Power Comes From

"First time in our twelve years in the building we had no power during church service."

Last year at our Women's Conference the power went out right as they were going to start the message. Wouldn't you know that when God is about to do something big that the devil comes and tries to pull the plug. The awesome thing is that it didn't phase us at all. We went into high gear and got a portable power generator and small sound system together and still had church. They even had all the ladies turn on their cell phone lights and sing "This little light of mine". God 1 - Devil - 0. 

You don't have to be delayed or defeated by the devil. If he tries to pull the plug on you just keep after it. Go into high gear and do what you were doing a different way. Sing a song while you're at it. The devil is a liar and cannot stop the work of God. Remind the devil he is a defeated foe and is under your feet. You have the victory in Jesus!

If you are a Christian then you have the Spirit of God inside of you. The greatest power of the universe is resident within! No opposition or enemy can stand in your way. 

Have you ever experienced a time where you knew God was about to do something big and it was met with resistance? How can we prepare for opposition? 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Day 248 - More Than Partnership

"I was grateful for Jess because she sat in my spiritual guidance meeting. It helps having her perspective as a woman and a wife."

Marriage is more than partnership. It is covenant. When two people get into covenant they are no longer separate, they are one. God spoke of marriage from the beginning saying that the two shall become one flesh. When I look at my wife I see myself. 

It is sad because many people do not see their spouse this way. Not just men but also women have this problem. I have spoken with couples who keep separate accounts, the woman won't take the man's name, or they are in disagreement with one another. All of that isn't sin but it makes for a terrible marriage. The more separated a marriage is the tougher it will be. 

Unity is essential and the devil knows it. That is why he works so hard to break up marriage. It is a picture of Christ and the church, which he hates both, and marriage is unity. When there is unity there is blessing, exponential effectiveness and progress. There is real power in unity. A blessed marriage happens when there is agreement. Here is where agreement happens; the Word of God. If two people can agree on God's Word then they can make it in marriage and life. 

That is where the oneness happens. It is where people can finish each other's sentences and look like each other as they grow old together. 

How can we foster unity and oneness in marriage? What scriptures can build unity in marriage?

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day 247 - Leadership Awareness

"He had a good insight that the one word to be a good leader was awareness."

Leaders should know and be aware of their sphere of responsibility. The Bible says we should know the state of our flocks. What has been entrusted to us can only be effective if we know what is going on. 

As a leader myself I require all the information before I make a decision. Many things are effected when you make changes. The question is always bigger than the immediate need. It goes into other areas. Like a domino that when you push it over topples over a line of others leaders need to know what their decisions will do and be able to see ahead. 

When I have been heading in a direction and become aware of new information and the whole picture I have found that many times it will either change the direction or the approach. It all hinges on my awareness. It is no one else's responsibility for my awareness. I will often go to the departments and ask questions or walk into areas just to see what we are talking about so that I can make intelligent decisions. 

Without awareness you will be shooting in the dark. It doesn't matter if you are managing a Fortune 500 company or managing your home, if you are not aware you won't be able to effectively manage. Ask the right questions, limit distractions and find out the whole story. 

What are some things good leaders should be aware of? How can we become more aware of the state of our homes, businesses and organizations?

Day 246 - Laughter for Life

"It was a good time and we had fun at my expense."

Life can get too serious. In one day between the news and your neighbors every terrible thing can be presented to you. Life needs levity. 

There are pressure releases that God has built into us. He is our greatest pressure release. We can cast our cares on Him in prayer any time. We also have faith filled friends who can be trusted to help us bear burdens that are too great for us. 

I believe that laughter can be a great pressure release. One of the fruits of the Spirit, right after love, is joy. We can laugh and smile because we have the Spirit of God. We can have the joy of our salvation, the joy of the Lord and joy from the Spirit. 

Have a good laugh and see how you feel. I'm not saying to ignore problems. You can face them with a smile because the joy of the Lord is our strength. 

Is there a funny memory you have that when you think of it you laugh? What are some joyful moments in your life? 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day 245 - Every Opportunity

"Hopefully we can share the gospel with the team as relationships form."

I made this statement in relation to my son's soccer team. We did in fact get to share the gospel and even invited the whole team to come to church. None came but they all heard. 

We should in all things, in every way we can, use every opportunity to share the gospel. Our life should be one big sermon lived out in front of the world. At home in front of your neighbors your lawn and your cars parked in the front (or in the garage) should speak of the truth of God's Word. When you go to work and give your best it should be a testimony of the grace of God. In good and bad your external attitude should share the internal reality of the transformed life you live. 

It takes an awareness of three things; God, others and myself (in that order). 

When I know that God is always with me I will live in the light of His Word and work with His strength. His life will be lived through me when I live in a way that realizes He is living in me. 

If I can be aware of others, looking to serve rather than be served, it will affect my decisions. Just the other day my mother-in-law was on the phone with someone who works as a telemarketer. I personally don't like getting these calls at home and often abruptly get off of the phone when I realize it is a sales call. She however had the presence of mind to think of this man on the other end of the phone and she said to him "I know that your job must be really hard and even though I don't have need of what you are selling I hope you make a lot of sales today". He was blown away. We can share God's goodness with others by being sensitive to their needs and looking for opportunities to serve. 

Finally we need to be aware of ourselves. When I am unaware of what I am doing I tend to make mistakes. I can go into auto-pilot from time to time. Like driving on the freeway. I take the route to church so much that sometimes I end up driving like I am going there when I intend to go somewhere else. The same can happen with bad behaviors. We may have a scowl on our face or we might ignore others. People are always watching. I know because I am always watching other people. In fact, that is one of my favorite pass times at amusement parks. It is called people watching. Who is watching you? If they watch you long enough will they see Christ in you? These are good questions to ask ourselves. 

When we are aware of God, others and ourselves it will open the door for every opportunity to be used to the fullest to preach the gospel. 

Which of these three are you most aware of and why? Which of these three are you least aware of and why?