Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 171 - The Disciplines

"I find a need to preach on the disciplines."

Such a necessary word is also such a lost and hated word in our society...discipline. It has sparked debates and caused division. We need it. Desperately. 

I wrote this after talking with people who are Christians and yet still don't have the basic disciplines down in their lives. How life would be different if we not only knew the abc's of our faith but were disciplined to apply them to our lives. 

The difference between good a great is discipline. The difference between average and excellent is discipline. It makes a difference in life. 

We kick against it because it isn't easy. Lazy is easy. Lazy feels nice. We can even justify lazy if we want to. I'm too busy or need a break. I have too much discipline and doesn't Christ set me free? All excuses that won't make us any better. 

Let's stop it. Let's say no to lazy and get after the disciplines (faith, prayer, study of the Bible, Church attendance, praise and consecration to name a few). 

Are there any disciplines you know of that I didn't list? How have the disciplines helped you? 

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