Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 155 - Mess Ups

"I blew it this morning from the time I woke up."

I actually record in my journal two times I had to patch things up after an argument with my wife, one in front of our children. I also had to work with someone else on their issues and then that night preach in the pulpit. My message was called "Stop complaining". I was obviously preaching to myself. 

What is funny is that after the message it was confession time. I almost could've had a line and people taking a number. I didn't mind though because our confession is healthy for us. If we confess then God can work with us. Once we say "God I messed up, forgive me please!" His grace and mercy do the work of forgiving us and cleansing us. 

Don't try and hide or be prideful and never admit guilt. We are all mess ups and need the blood of Jesus to blot out our sin. Confess it to God, repent and make it right and then resist the temptation and the devil in the future. 

Have you ever had a day where you just seemed to be messing up all the time? What scriptures do we have to lean on for days like these? 

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