Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 154 - The Dinner Course

"Jess made an omelet this morning for me that was delicious. Then for lunch I made fish and salad. Then we had quesadilla and cereal for dinner."

I have noticed that on social media if you want to start a conversation and get people commenting all you have to do is post a picture of your food. People are passionate about food. Some people skip breakfast and some, like me, love breakfast. Some eat to live and some live to eat. 

Whatever your preference you are what you eat. It becomes a part of you and gives you the energy to do life. What you eat can hurt you or heal you. It is important to put good things in!

Similarly our spiritual life is governed by what we put in. Not only that we have to be consistent at it. A good meal in the morning and afternoon with a terrible meal for dinner is not going to cut it. You have to finish what you started. Consistency is what makes the difference. 

Make sure to consistently put in truth (whatever God says), goodness, grace, pure things, beauty, praiseworthy things, and anything healthy. There are multiple lists in the Bible of things that we can feed our souls and strengthen our spirits with. 

Just reading the dinner I had last year makes my stomach turn. We must have been tired or lazy. In any case that is the exception and not the rule. 

What do you like to eat? What spiritual food do you regularly eat? 


  1. I think it's amazing how much of a response posting food pictures brings out of people! I am a total food nerd. Since we've cleaned up our diet and eat a lot more whole foods- I can tell when I eat something that slows me down, makes me lethargic or tired- or moody. I think our bodies are amazing- When we simplify our diets, we are able to quiet down the noise and distractions and identify culprits that may be ailing Or causing distress (we had to do this through an elimination diet specifically). And I very much think this applies on a spiritual level. We try to surround ourselves with people going after similar things in life, filling ourselves with the word, and meditating on goodness and the Bible... And I think very importantly for us- is the elimination of distractions and allowing for quiet time and rest and (often play)to hear what God has to say. We do this in nature- and by trying not to have too busy of a life. We try to live and do and fuel ourselves by doing things that are truly nourishing physically and spiritually. this- which we definitely need grace in!

  2. Jaime, I just learned it works for blog posts too...haha! Great comments on the spiritual diet. Distractions will starve your spirit. Diligence, consistency, faith and a lot of grace!
