Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 7 - Courage

"I find that many times the obvious answers are right in front of us but we don't want to face them because they will change what we are comfortable with. I spoke with someone who was having terrible difficulty with a person they had volunteered to work with because it was affecting their friendship. My immediate thought was "Why not stop working with them so that you can stay friends and not have to think about the work situation?" The problem was that they liked the work and it made them feel important so they won't change that situation for the relationship because they think they can do both effectively. Sometimes we have to give up our comforts for a better outcome where it matters."

As I was thinking about this journal entry I asked myself the question "What would it take to make the change?" The answer is 'courage'. Courage to face ourselves soberly. Courage to make that hard choices. Courage to do the things we don't want to do.

Without it we cower. We run and hide behind excuses. We shift blame or get angry. The fingers point and our progress is stopped. Worse still is the devil laughs because we have played into his trap. When we fear there is no faith and we end up in sin.

Courage changes the story from a tragedy to an epic. Which ending do you want?

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