Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 6 - Obedience

"This morning in my time with God I read over the account of Saul's disobedience and how he heeded the voice of the people rather than be unpopular and heed the commandment of The Lord. It was interesting for me to note that anything that looked good to the people they kept but the despised and the stuff that was weak or wasn't good looking they rejected and destroyed. How many Christians think that they are walking in obedience to the commandment of The Lord but really are trying to keep the best of the world while justifying themselves by staying away from the really bad stuff. I know I can identify times that I wanted to keep watching a television show that the plot had turned south just because I liked the show at first. We have had to stop watching a lot of stuff because of that."

How convicting this post is. Lord, is there anything that I am holding on to that is unholy? Have I kept things in my life that weren't 'that bad' but got rid of what wouldn't look good thinking I would justify myself? No Lord! You are just and the justifier! I lay it all at your feet and cleanse myself of any pollution of this world. Even to my own hurt!

I would encourage you to pray and ask the Lord to reveal anything that you are holding on to in disobedience. Give it to the Lord and then do what you need to in the natural to be obedient. I remember one time my buddy and I were praying together and the Spirit of God entered the place where we were and in an act of obedience he ran to his car and started breaking CD's with explicit lyrics. Later we took the pieces of those CD's and made a mosaic of a cross on the wall in a church so the Youth group could see. Some of the youth were saying things like "Aw man! That is a good CD!" It opened the door for us to share about obedience and holiness.

Have you had any radical acts obedience? Was there a blessing that came as a result?


  1. I went to a retreat when I was about 25 and God spoke to me in ways unimaginable for me and I was so filthy with guilt and sin when I came back from that encounter with God I came to my home and got rid of so many things I was holding on to I realized nothing mattered except for God and the life that I had...God is awesome!!!

    1. Wonderful testimony Vanessa! We all need those God encounters to get us back to focus on Him.
