Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 22 - Saying No

"It seems to me that there are people who will tell you what they did and then want you to finish the job."

Maybe it is my position or my personality but it seems this happens to me a lot. Someone tells me how they started some noble work and how needed it is and then they expect me to finish the job. I am not sure what that is other than the fact that I am one of those guys who has a hard time saying no. 

Don't get me wrong, saying yes has opened doors for me and taken me places I have never thought possible. There is power in the right 'yes' at the right time. But on the other hand 'no' is a perfectly good response as well to certain things. 

The world would be a better place if we learned the value of a good 'no'. In the book of Titus (Whom my son is named after, it means 'strength') it says that the grace of God has appeared to us and it teaches us to say no to ungodliness and to deny the lusts of the flesh. We would be better of if we shouted 'no!' at anything that doesn't please God. Additionally we also would be less stressed, more focused and better off if we said yes to our call and assignment and no to non-essentials and peripheral things that would distract us. 

Do you have a hard time saying yes or no? What was the best no you ever said? 

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