Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 15 - Pockets

"I am grateful for pockets of time I get amidst a busy day to be with God and my family. In a position like mine where literally any and every department has and wants access and answers from me it is difficult at best some days to do simple things like visit the restroom or be prepared for the next meeting. In the midst of a setting like that I have learned to pray without ceasing and to take advantage of pockets of time. Driving in the car is one of those pockets. The morning routine is a pocket. Family meals are a pocket.* This morning I woke earlier than normal because of my dog making noise, and then the kids and the highway behind our house. I finally threw my hands up and said 'if I can't beat 'em join 'em' and got out of bed. The advantage that I had on my day of an extra forty minutes was tremendous."

It is important to get times away. Jesus took pockets of time to rest, to pray and even to continue his ministry in a different way. Many of the stories we love from the life of Jesus happened 'on the way'. If we can follow that example of maximizing time and using it to our advantage we could produce a ton more fruit for the Kingdom!

How do you 'pray without ceasing'? What pockets of time do you value?

*In case you wonder why family meals are a pocket for me it is because during my work days I often have a split shift where I will do morning and then come back for a night church service or Bible College class. The pocket of time in between responsibilities is set aside for our family dinner where we connect for that day and enjoy each other. It is so important to me that I have driven home 15 minutes and spent a half an hour with my family at the table only to drive back 15 minutes.

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