Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 4 - Community

"Jess said today as we were driving home how much community affects people. She noticed how when one of our neighbors took down their Christmas lights all of them did. Even the guy at the end of the street who still hadn't taken his down was not turning them on anymore. It is interesting how much we are governed by what the people around us do. Like speeding on the freeway because it is the flow of traffic. Or negative talk and gossip at work because that is the way people speak and it comes naturally to us. Thank God this also works in the positive because 'A companion of fools comes to ruin but he who walks with the wise will himself become wise.'"

Do you notice any habits or activities in your life that can only be explained by community? Is this workin in the positive or the negative?


  1. I have seen this with people's lawns. One does something new with the lawn and others try something new. House painting too. I have also seen it in women who lose weight and or get a new hair doo. This is probably why advertising is so effective. Seeing someone else do stuff inspires you to do it too.
