Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 231 - The Wet Blanket

"It put a damper on the whole night."

Have you ever been in a tense conversation where you were trying to work things out. Maybe you were the mediator and were trying to get people to come together in love and forgiveness. Just when you are getting breakthrough and think there is a resolution one of the people says "I have just one more thing I would like to say." Then they drop a bomb on the conversation that explodes into another argument. You walk away wondering if you just wasted the hours you put into the relationship. 

This has happened to me more than once. It ends up being a black cloud that hovers over the situation. There is not much you can do in these situations other than pray, laugh and get back to the basics. 

Prayer is a tool we often overlook. When a person brings up something at the end of a conversation or is holding onto bitterness or unforgiveness prayer is the tool that will heal and release the issue. If you can get people with the Lord He can heal the wounds. You should pray before, during and after you talk. If God is in it He will work it out. 

Laughter can break through the coldest heart. You have to be careful with this though because it can also turn bad. If the moment warrants a laugh or even a chuckle then seize it. That smile will literally change the course of the conversation. 

Getting back to the basics is always good in these situations. Once I was trying to figure out a story and had to write and draw pictures just to get it right. When you can get the basics of love, respect and communication down the rest will often fall into place. Simplicity will uncomplicate a sticky situation and allow for resolution. 

What other tools would you add to my list? Which of these three would you say is the most important?

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