Sunday, August 2, 2015

Day 215 - Your Hour Is Up

"On the way to church the sky was beautiful. At one point the sun was beaming through in several directions shooting rays brightly to the earth through dark massive clouds."

When Jesus was confronted by the chief priests the temple guard and the elders who had come out to take Him, He said, "This is your hour, and the power of darkness." There was a time when the devil had authority on the earth. The devil usurped authority and took the dominion from man when Adam and Eve rebelled in the garden of Eden. It was under that power and authority that Jesus came and lived under the law. He fulfilled the requirement of the law and when He was crucified His blood was shed in innocence. He was guilty of no sin, not one. Jesus qualified to be our sacrifice. When He raised from the dead He took the keys of the kingdom back from the devil. Authority and power was restored rightfully to Him. 

I know this is deep but let me make it simple. Because of what Jesus has done darkness has no power. There is no rule or authority above His. It is all under His control. You never have to be afraid of the devil. You don't have to fear tomorrow. No matter how dark it may seem remember that light always overcomes. In blackest deepest darkest space the tiniest light could illuminate the space. Jesus is on the throne victorious. 

If that wasn't enough He has now given the church His authority and power. If you have been born again into the kingdom of God then you have the authority and power of God. All you have to do to enforce that authority is speak in the name of Jesus. We are ambassadors of Christ. We speak on His behalf now. So if any forces of darkness try to come against us we can bring them under subjection to the Word of God. You have to know it and declare it. 

Clouds may hide the light for a time but the brightness of the sun will soon shine through. 

How does this understanding effect your life? What scriptures do you use when confronted with darkness?


  1. Romans 8:18 is one of the scriptures I see when I am confronted with darkness. "For the sufferings of the present time are not to be compared to the glory that will be reveled in us."

    1. Great verse! I was just looking at that yesterday.
