Monday, August 10, 2015

Day 223 - I Got Nothing

"I got up at 2 am to see the meteor shower and saw nothing."

Not every good idea pans out. It is okay. Nothing ventured nothing gained. But every venture doesn't always work out. 

I have had grandiose ideas that have taken my family through some pretty big let downs. One time we drove for hours to go and find the California poppies on the side of some hills that were supposed to 'light up the hills like fire'. Of coarse it was a low rain year and the heat had burned most of the poppies so all we got to see was was the side of hills looking like dirt. 

Or how about every time I travel to Los Angeles. Our family has actually started calling it Lost Angeles because no matter where we think we are going or where our mapping program says to go we end up lost. Now we avoid LA at all costs. 

It took me two tries to get a picture of the blood moon because I missed it the first time. Thank goodness we are in a four blood moon zone of two years. 

As I write we are prepping for a trip to Sequoia and Kings Canyon. I have an itinerary and plans...we will see. The point is that we are still trying. Don't stop at failure. Keep going. 

Have you had any ventures where you missed out or it didn't pan out? Are you planning anything for the future? 

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