Saturday, August 1, 2015

Day 214 - Prayer Works

"It was raining most of the day. Hopefully the kids were able to have a dry camp!"

Two of our children were up at a camp last year. Obviously we prayed for them to have a good time and to be safe. We did not realize how our prayers were working. 

They did not have a dry camp. It rained most of the time they were there. In fact on our way up to the camp there was a news van filming the clouds over the mountain. Not a comforting start to camp. They actually had to change the events and schedule of the camp because of the rain. 

On the last day of the camp all the parents were supposed to pick up the kids and there was a one hour window to pick them up in. Weather advisory warnings were all over the news. We raced up to get our kids and get back down the mountain. Every parent got their children and our team came down and just minutes later a flash flood ripped through the camp sending feet of mud into the buildings and destroying several structures. 

Our prayers were answered. As simple as a prayer for protection was it was equally as effective. God isn't looking for eloquence, He is looking for faith. Trust Him enough to give Him your cares, requests, needs and your every day. 

Have you had a simple prayer answered in a powerful way? What happened? 

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