Friday, August 14, 2015

Day 227 - The Cost of Friendship

"Friendships are complicated and the circle is small. Trust comes hard and respect is kept at the cost of familiarity and relaxation."

Maybe you don't have this problem. It could be my position as a pastor. Friendships, real friendships, are hard to come by. When I was younger I thought my large circle of friends would be around forever. Many have moved to other parts of the nation and contact is infrequent. 

I thank God that my wife is my best friend. That is how it should be. I am thankful though because I have a covenant partner who is with me all the time. It would be really lonely without her. 

As I get older I find that there are many people who would say that they are friends. I think my definition of a friend is different. I have tons of acquaintances. My church family is huge and I love every one of them! That is not the issue. A friend is someone I can relate with and talk to. I can open up with and be vulnerable. 

I know a true friend when it costs me and it costs them to be in the relationship. If they won't put any skin in the game then I know they are a surface level friend. I also know that if they will be committed it will require me to be a friend. The Bible says in order to have a friend you have to be a friend. It will cost you as well. 

When you find a real friend hold on to them. Their friendship is worth the fight to keep. Call them up and let them know you appreciate their friendship. Pray for them and encourage them how they have encouraged you. 

How do you keep real friendships going? How do you know who is a real friend or just an acquaintance? 

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