Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Day 218 - No Small Thing, No Small Impact

"It was a normal day of meetings and prayer and study. The good thing is that no matter how normal it all is it impacts lives."

Your life matters. Everything you do counts. The choices we make today will impact tomorrow and eventually eternity. 

It is easy to get distracted with discouragement. Life can get boring and mundane. When life is a drag or a grind that discouragement makes a miserable existence. Eventually the negativity will seep off the tongue like bad breath. You may not realize you have it but everyone else does. 

The remedy is to remind ourselves that God has ordained our steps and that what we do matters. It matters to God, it matters to us and it matters to others. My life impacts people. Daily prayers, daily devotions and daily duties will eventually equal daily answers, daily victories, daily salvation, and daily blessing. 

When I released my book I had prayed for big things to happen. I had dreams of a huge campaign to launch it and promote it. What ended up happening was that there were delays and eventually when the book went live I had no marketing plan in place and the launch was a bit anti climatic. 

I must say that after book readings and signings when all the dust settled I wondered if the adventure was worth the journey. It was at that time I had someone share a statement with me that they got in prayer. They said that God had sent them to encourage me. The statement was; "No small thing. No small impact." That statement is not only for me. It is for you as well. I believe it is true. 

Your life adventure is worth the journey. Even the boring and mundane is holy and meaningful. 

Have you seen small things have big impact? How did it happen? 


  1. Amen! We're right there with you! I often want to end up doing great things for the kingdom, the words of Mother Teresa reign me in on it...
    “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” I try to carry that with do small things with great love and let God take care of the rest. I think the visions and dreams are God breathed- and He's teaching us so much along the way about our expectations. I am constantly reigning in the big dreams- and bringing life back to relationships and that they are the most important thing in God's eyes. An example of this is with health. Small choices over time can either poison us or heal us. One little variation, one little choice, each day or hour add up to several pounds gained or lost...toxins in or toxins filtered by the choices we make. This can translate to so many things- the things we think as you mentioned above- one thought that isn't taken captive plants a seed that can be so tough to my experience anyway (being an over-thinker at times....) But you're so right on- trusting that our steps are ordered...Truly trusting...and declaring truth with our mouth rather than what our eyes see...Thank you for the reminder!

    1. You are right on Jaime! Every long journey is made up of many small steps. What we do matters and what we sow today we reap in our future. Great insight!
