Sunday, August 16, 2015

Day 229 - Unapologetically In Your Face

"Our church wants it told like it is with a bold, upfront approach."

I yelled at them. Veins must have been popping out of my neck. I was hot with anger. How dare they?! They were leading others astray with a simple act. Some of them didn't know what they were doing but others knew and didn't care. It was a selfish act. 

What was it they were doing you ask? They were leaving by the hundreds. Tons of people were getting up right before the church service had ended and were leaving. It seems innocent but they don't know the impact it has. There is an eternal consequence for them and the people they are leading astray. 

'What?!' you may ask. Let me explain. When people leave before the altar call just to avoid traffic or because they don't want to sit through another altar call they are saying something. They are saying that they are just there for the music and message, maybe they throw some token offering in and hope that they are getting brownie points with God. No dice. 

They are also saying that they don't care about others who need to hear the message of the gospel. It is not only a distraction and a bad witness but immature people and the unsaved with follow them right out the door. Like a lemming walking to a cliff that leads to Hell they follow. 

So I yelled at them from the stage on the microphone. "Sit down!" It shook a lot of people. I got their attention. Right after the video announcements stopped I went after them. I told them the bold truth and also let them know I didn't care what they thought of me. Their soul is more important than them liking my delivery of the truth. They needed to hear the message and if they left and died they would go to Hell. It is not a popular message but it is the truth. 

We had many people respond to the altar call that day and I have never had so many compliments at the back door of the church while I was greeting. 

People want the truth. Don't water it down, don't compromise, don't patty cake or play games...just give me the truth. 

Which do you prefer; smoke and mirrors or the truth? How does the truth change how we approach important things in life?

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