Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 329 - Parenting in an Electronic Age

"I sent the kids outside because they were all buried in phones and iPads. I told them they weren't allowed back inside for a minimum of one hour. They ended up spending the whole afternoon outside and it was a really nice day."

It used to be that the television was the reason we were sent outside. Then eventually the video game showed up and wasted hours of time and brain function. Now it is the cell phone and the tablet. 

What I like about what happened last year was that not only did I notice the problem and address it but the kids responded how they should. They ended up spending the day outside. No surprise here. Kids should love it outside on a nice day. I have made exceptions for heat, cold and rain. There are no excuses when it is a gorgeous day. 

As a kid all I needed to fill an entire day with fun was a friend. If one wasn't readily available then a ball would fill an hour or so until someone on my street noticed how much fun I was having and would decide to join me. It never took much to entertain me because my imagination was huge. 

I don't think we have lost the imagination of youth. I think we have lost the motivation to push our children to use their imaginations. I am a firm believer in dirt, sticks, sports, water, play dough, crayons, paper and scissors, building blocks, musical instruments and on and on. Without an adult to help the child on the way to imagination they will follow the television, game or whatever other mind numbing device they have. 

All it takes for my kids to slow to a snails pace is for a cartoon to be turned on. They won't even take a bite of a meal when they are starving if there is a kids show on in their general vicinity. I often have to turn the television off to get them to eat. 

So parents, help your children to develop their minds and imaginations. Send them outside. Set them up to play, create and have fun. Here is a thought, dive in with them and create some fun memories while you are at it. 

What interests do your children have? Are there other ways to engage them in productive activities? 

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