Sunday, November 1, 2015

Day 306 - A Tough Year

"He said after church that he has been going through a tough year. May the Lord grant him strength to endure."

We have all had tough days. Most have had tough weeks and some have had tough months. What is hard is when you have a tough year. 

There are times and seasons that we go through in life. Years teach us lessons that the days can not. Anyone who has been around for a while has something they can teach us because they have weathered storms and learned by experience. 

I am not that old (today I turn 36 in case you were wondering) but I can say from the tough times I have been through that God is faithful. As I look over my journal entries from 2014 it was a tough year. That doesn't mean it was a bad year. It was tough in the sense that we had some hard times, conflicts internally and externally and were challenged to grow and stretch past what we thought we could. But again, God is faithful. 

My prayer for the man I was talking to applies for all who are going through a tough season. No matter if it lasts a few months or few years it is God who can give us the strength to endure. Like Joseph who went through the seven years of drought God will sustain us through the tough times in life. We just need to focus our gaze and draw our strength from Him. Cling to Him in prayer and stay in His presence throughout your days. 

As you receive the strength you need to go through the tough times you will find joy and the beauty of God's goodness. Like I said, last year wasn't a bad year for me. It was tough but there were joys and gladness that I wouldn't trade for an easy year. 

Have you had a tough year? How did you get through it?

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