Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 318 - Hurdles on the Road

"At lunch Shane and I went and got the author copy of the book and we were disappointed. The quality was sub-standard. I now have to go through another round with them to get it right. I am trying to stay in faith and stay positive. Hurdles on the road."

Let me introduce you to my illustrator Shane. The guy is brilliant. His drawings are top notch, his graphic design has no equal, his wit and humor...hilarious. He has been a friend and a great encouragement in the ministry and now with the children's book Sarah's Silly Sock Day

It has been a journey of faith to produce this book and I could not have done it alone. My wife has been a constant encouragement. My children's excitement has often fueled my drive to go on. Which brings me to Shane. When we hit the hurdle we were pretty disappointed. Our long awaited book was not what we wanted it to be. 

It turned out that the problem was with the transfer of files. Layers of the images were being lost and others were pixelated. We had to go back through part of the process and it was lengthy and difficult at best. 

What really helped was Shane's positive attitude and quick wit. He saw what I saw in faith. He had a book in mind and knew the quality he wanted to see. After months of going back and forth we got it right and now have a real quality book with beautiful images that capture the imagination of children (and adults!). 

Stay in the fight if you are encountering problems. Hurdles are not something to stop you. They are to be overcome. Surround yourself with faith filled people who will take the hurdle with you. It makes the journey better and the trial more tolerable. 

What hurdles are you encountering and how do you intent to overcome them? Who is around you that can be a faith partner to encourage and go on the journey with you? 

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