Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day 310 - Throwback Thursday

"When I got home the kids were watching the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was a throwback Thursday."

In recent years going back to decades past has become very popular. I have enjoyed some of the movies that have brought back comics, toys and cartoons I enjoyed as a kid. My children also love to find out what it was like when I was a kid and want to know if things were the same or different. My mom actually saved a lot of my toys and now my children play with old and new toys. It is like I get to live my childhood all over again through them. For that I am grateful. 

Recently through social media there has been a craze called throwback Thursday. Just search a hash tag with those words and you will find your friends and family and even celebrities who have posted fun pictures from years past. The clothes and hairstyles still amaze but not in the same way they did in the 80's and 90's. I know I have looked at pictures of myself and wondered what I was thinking. My wife often let's me know she would have passed me up at that age and in those clothes. Nevertheless I got the girl and that is all that matters. 

It is fun to remember the good times and even some of the bad ones if they aren't too painful. Have you ever went through something that at the time you thought was the worst and then as time passed you realized it was a growth time? Or even better that the situation you went through is actually funny? I can remember every time my children ruined a set of clothes at an amusement park when their diapers didn't do the job they should have. At the time I was wondering "Why me God?" but now I have a good laugh at myself and the situation. 

Time may not heal all wounds but it certainly does help. Distance from an event can give perspective and and in the time that personal growth takes place you can come back later with more wisdom and a stronger outlook. We see the road God has us on and realize that things may not have been so bad or if they were that we still made it by God's grace. 

In many ways this blog is a throwback to last year with a focus to the future. No matter the highs or the lows God is leading us and will take care of us. When we look back we see His handiwork and know it is going to be good in our future. 

Do you have a favorite throwback moment? Was it a good time or bad time and how do you view it now?

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