Monday, November 23, 2015

Day 328 - Your Inner Circle

"It has been a long hard road for her to get here and I know she appreciates this day and these friends and sisters who are here for her."

We all have spheres of influence that reach both outward and inward. I don't think there is anything wrong with having a lot of people in your life and extending a lot of love. We have a greater capacity than we are probably operating with right now. 

As you get closer to the core of the circle it is more important who is there. We have to carefully select people who we trust and who have the right to be there. They will prove this by their love, care, honesty and faithfulness. 

Even Jesus modeled this with his disciples. There were thousands around Jesus at any given time. He had followers and disciples by the hundreds. He selected twelve to be with Him and of those twelve we see three that He brought in even closer. They were exposed to more intimate and miraculous times with Jesus than the rest. 

The Bible tells us that a friend is born for adversity and it is sad when someone falls and has no one to pick him up. If we show ourselves to be a friend then when we are going through tough times our friends will show themselves. 

Do you like having lots of people around or just a few? How do you decide who is a close friend?

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