Sunday, November 8, 2015

Day 313 - Words That Stick

"...some of his words are still ringing in my ears."

There are words that we hear and never stick. The book of Proverbs tells us that a curse won't land on an unintended victim like a bird that darts off. Thank God for that! I'm sure you have heard things you are glad you forgot shortly after. 

Some things we hear stick. Some good and some bad. I had a conversation just the other day that bugged me. I left the room and the person but the words stayed with me. I finally had to pray it off! When these words stick to us they are like acid or some corrosive material that eats away at us. These words destroy and tear down. The old saying that sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me is great for personal morale but probably in practice far from the truth. 

On the other hand the kinds of words that we want to stick are the words that build. As we hear them they add to our life. They build inside of us a support structure that holds us together and hold us up. They come as defining moments in our lives from people we respect and love and who love us. The Apostle Paul said that we should speak in a way that imparts grace and that which is good for necessary edification. That word edification is similar to the word edifice. Like a building that has been raised up we need these types of words to build our lives. 

In order to have more of the right words in your life stuck to you all you have to do is get in the right places with the right people. You will have destructive words come but don't let that stop you. Find the people who you trust to speak into your life. Also, be an encourager and speak the right thing to others. As you do what you have sown you will also reap. 

How do you choose the right people to speak into your life? What are some good things to say to build others up?

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