Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day 308 - Crisis

"She was going through a personal crisis and wanted a divorce."

As a pastor I give spiritual guidance to a lot of people on a daily basis. Most of the appointments we make with people to meet and talk are in crisis. I have heard a lot and would venture to say that some of our more seasoned pastors have heard it all. 

Crisis comes in a lot of ways. Death, accidents, divorce, family, drugs or addiction, and the list goes on. It could just be that someone learned a disturbing fact about someone close to them and it spun them into crisis. I have experienced this personally. 

When you are in crisis you don't think like you normally would. There is an urgency that you cannot shake and every decision seems like it is life altering and has to be made quickly. The truth is quite different.

What I have learned from people who are in crisis is that there are some things we can do to help ourselves and the situation. First of all is give it time. I don't always have the luxury of meeting with people right when crisis hits. I have had people mad at me for making an appointment rather than dropping everything, and everyone, and running to the crisis. The weird thing is that most of the time when people accept an appointment they usually call or come in and say that the situation worked itself out. Give it some time and see if it takes care of itself.

Second is slow down and think. Are you catching a pattern here? Don't rush! you may only frustrate the situation with hasty decisions. Take the time to think through your words and actions in a crisis. The pressure to make fast decisions may push you in the wrong direction. Get wisdom from trusted people and listen to what they say. Someone who has experienced your same situation and made it through can tell you the pitfalls they encountered and how they would have avoided them. 

Finally is pray. The best counselor you will ever have is the Holy Spirit. Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would guide us. He will also comfort us. As you walk through a crisis remember that you aren't there alone. Your friends and counselors may not be there in the middle of the night when worry has replaced your sleep but God will never leave you nor forsake you. Talk to Him about it and listen to His counsel. I put this one last but really it should be our first response. 

When crisis comes remember these simple things. Give it time, slow down and think and pray. You will make it through the crisis. 

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