Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 314 - Kids Stuff

"We usually only get kids stuff."

Life changes when you have kids. You don't realize it until later but when you have children you are no longer your own. All that you have and every moment is consumed with them. This is actually wonderful. I have enjoyed being a dad. The big three in my life in order are becoming a Christian, getting married and having children. 

On my birthday this year I told my wife that I just wanted to be with her and the kids. She started trying to change the plan and when I was asked if I really didn't want to be with anyone else I had to pointedly say no. There was just something in me that wanted to be with them. We ended up going to the science museum and the museum of natural history. Someone asked me if that is what I wanted to do for my birthday. It wasn't what I would have picked if it was just me but because I was with my kids we were doing kid stuff. (Truth be told when I saw the Shuttle Endeavor and the real dinosaur bones I became a kid again!)

The quote from last year is about clothes shopping. Probably every mom that read it immediately shouted amen. You go to the store to buy yourself something and come home with bags of children's clothing. In fact you probably are like us and have felt guilty for buying yourself clothes and not the kids. 

The one thing I love most about my children is that they are continually teaching me the heart of the Father. How much greater is His love than mine? How deep is His love that He would give His only begotten son for us. How awesome is His grace and mercy for His children. If my love is so great and I  want to be with my family all the time how much more our heavenly Father? It makes me love Him so much more. 

How much do you love and enjoy your family? In what ways do you see God through your family?

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