Thursday, July 30, 2015

Day 212 - Trimming Our Sails

"It looks like we are going back into a mode of church growth and aligning ourselves for momentum. Trimming our sails and catching the wind if you will. It takes work on our part to find where the Spirit is moving and direct our lives and ministries to be moved in the direction He is leading."

Sailing has so many parallels to life. Throughout the Bible you will find nautical terms. One of the most famous is the one in Hebrews that says we have this hope as an anchor for our soul. 

Even if you haven't sailed I'm sure you can imagine a boat in the water with a sail on it. The wind moves and if the sail is set up right then the boat is pushed by the wind. The better you catch the wind the faster the boat moves. 

Momentum in our lives is a lot like that. As we align ourselves with the word of God and get in position to catch what the Spirit is doing it will move us in the direction of our goals. If we fight against God we will have no momentum. In fact in sailing terms, when you are facing the wind and go nowhere, it is called being 'in irons' or we would say in handcuffs or jail. You aren't able to do anything as long as you are working against the wind. Similarly you wont do anything when you work against God!

Find out where God is moving and get in line with it. Close in and set your course. Stay faithful and close to Him. As you do you will have a Godly momentum that cannot be stopped. 

Have you experienced adjusting your life to catch the momentum of God? How can we make those adjustments and sustain momentum?

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