Saturday, July 4, 2015

Day 186 - Kick Fear in the Face

"We prayed and quoted 2 Timothy 1:7"

The verse say that God has not given us a spirit of fear but power, love and a sound mind. This is the verse we have taught our children to say when they are afraid. Even at an early age they know this verse and it has helped them through bad dreams, going upstairs by themselves and thinking about E.T. (Don't ask, my children think he is freaky and get scared when we even mention his name) 

The verse isn't only for children. There are irrational fears we battle all the time. Fear of lack, fear of failure, fear of the future, fear of (insert yours here). 

I remember the first time I went snorkeling I had to stop and pray because of fear. It started to grip me. Maybe it stemmed from when I was a kid and we would play burrito and roll up in a blanket and get under the couch cushions. My brother would sit on the couch with me under it but when I was ready to get out he would stay sitting on me. I remember feeling claustrophobic. That same feeling came on me with the snorkel mask and the tube in my mouth and putting my face in the water. It is probably the closest thing I have encountered to a panic attack. I stopped and prayed and spoke 2 Timothy 1:7 and then had the time of my life looking at fish and coral. 

You don't have to stay afraid. Believe God's Word and confess it over your life. There are tons of verses about fear and how to overcome it. Get into your Bible and find the ones that help you and then declare them when you feel fear gripping you. You can be bold and courageous!

What fears try to stop you? What Bible verse deals with those fears? 

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