Saturday, July 11, 2015

Day 193 - Crazy Times

"It was the craziest thing."

Have you ever had a time when life was just crazy? I don't mean busy. I mean crazy. It doesn't make sense. 

We probably have all had moments that we remember where things are out of hand, you have no control or you just don't know what happened. 

I have had situations that I would define as crazy in the negative sense. As a young teen I remember our crazy neighborhood having gang initiations behind our house and shootouts across the street (that I slept through by the way). I didn't enjoy those moments. 

I have also had crazy moments that were exhilarating and even though it was hectic I loved every moment of it. We have had some crazy events at the church where things didn't add up or we were way in over our head but God came through in a major way. I would gladly have moments like that over and over. It is like an adrenaline rush. 

The neat thing about life is that no matter how crazy it gets God is still in control. We may feel like everything is out of hand but He still has the whole world in His hands! Seize the day. Crazy good or crazy bad God has you covered! 

Have you ever had a time where life was crazy? How did you make it through? (Good or bad.)

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