Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 187 - What's On the Menu?

Last year I went to a birthday party for some friends. The guy had me laughing, as he always does. He told me he doesn't go to a birthday party until he knows what's on the menu. It was his party! 

I thought about it and there is some wisdom there. I am a guy who has a hard time saying no and managing my time well.  I get easily distracted and end up wasting time and being unproductive. Since I know that about myself I have had to make some changes in order to be a better Christian, husband, father and boss. 

When I realized I couldn't continue to waste time I identified some things that were time wasters or time takers. Time wasters included some social media, e-mails, and other distractions that I could manage. Time takers were often people or situations that I knew of. In order to manage my time properly I had to make sure I knew what was on the menu before I got to the party (see what I did there?). 

If I know that there is a time waster on the menu I will pass. If I know that there is a time taker I will either delegate or put that situation to rest quickly by calling it out. Most of the time when it comes to people I try to be sensitive and not just shine them on until I can get away. I genuinely care for them and want to help them. That being said if I know someone isn't being sensitive to my time when there are important things that need to take place I will kindly let them know what is going on and dismiss myself (rather than dismiss them). Most of the time when I do this people respond postively or if they really do have an issue I am able to schedule a good time to talk and give them the attention they deserve (even time takers are people with needs). 

How do you manage your time? What time wasters or takers can you identify? (No names please!)

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