Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 202 - Venturing Out

"The lake was shallow most of the way around to where I walked through knee deep a quarter of the way in to the lake."

There has been a theme running through the last three days; venturing out. It takes more than just starting. There has to be a motivation. Desire will get you the idea, motivation will get you started, carry you through and help you complete. 

When I looked at Tenaya Lake in Yosemite last year it took my breath away. It is one of the most beautiful spots I think I have ever been to. I took some pictures and then looked out on the water and saw my son and nephew far out in the lake...walking. It was quite a strange sight. In fact right there in the middle of the lake they were stacking rocks on top of each other making a small tower of rocks on what seemed to be the water. 

Thoughts of Jesus and Peter ran through my head but this lake was much too calm for that kind of thing so I walked over. I was only knee deep for most of the walk. I was thankful because I still had my camera strapped around my neck. I found when I got closer to them that there was a large boulder that the water was covering with only an inch or so of water making it look like they were walking on water. 

What impressed me is that my son and nephew didn't just look at some rock out on the water and wonder. They ventured out and found it for themselves. I never want to be content watching the accomplishment of others from the shore. There is a time for that but not always. 

Whether in business or in family, in short seasons or life long goals we have to be ready to go exploring. I would have never started my businesses or published a book if I hadn't started taking steps in the direction of my goals. I would have never became a husband or father if I wasn't brave enough either!

Whatever your goals are keep them in sight. You may feel at times while going in their direction that the waters are too high for you. If that is the case then it is time to swim, float or go around, but don't ever stop until you arrive. 

What are your goals? What steps will it take to get to them? 

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