Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 189 - Something Different

"It is so peaceful out on the water."

I live in what is called the Inland Empire of Southern California. There are a few lakes around but for the most part it is exactly like the name describes it; inland. So for me to get out on the water takes a drive. 

I enjoy glassy lakes and even the ocean when it is flat and without any waves. It makes for a terrible sailing experience but visually it is beautiful. One morning I headed to the beach before the sun was up and watched all the colors on the water change. It was mesmerizing. 

Why do I say all this? Because life can get at us. Things can hurt, stress and strain. We can get overworked and under rested and need to do something different from time to time. There needs to be something of beauty or awe in life every now and then. 

It doesn't have to be water either. It could be trees, desert, mountains, large rocks, or even a city if that is what you enjoy. I like the mountains as much as I like the ocean. I am in awe of giant rocky cliffs as much as I am the glassy morning waters. 

Something happens when we get that something different. It is almost like the heart is reset and the mind can work again. Now life doesn't get to us, we get to it! 

What sort of places do you enjoy? What qualities make them special or different? 

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