Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 150 - The Orphan

"Tonight when I got home we had dinner as a family and then watched America's Got Talent. There were two acts that stood out. The first was one where the guys were so in character that you didn't know they were putting you on until well into the act. It was really funny. Then there was a guy who was in the foster care system and was adopted but expressed how as a child he felt like luggage and if anyone even smiled at him he asked if they would adopt him. Our hearts went out to him."

I can still see the guys face there on my television set. I wanted to put my arms through the screen and hug him. How sad that a person would feel like luggage going from house to house. I had good parents that stuck it out through hard times and loved us. To this day our families on both sides are strong. 

My only consolation for this guy was that there was a family who adopted him and loved him. He went far in the competition. People will only go as far as you encourage them. I could tell his parents were loving and encouraged him to follow his dreams. 

There are people everywhere around us who don't have family, who don't know the love of a father and mother. There are people who will never know what family dinner or Christmas morning are like in a healthy environment. 

We need to pray for those in our city, state, nation and world who are without a family. There is a Father in heaven waiting to adopt. His loving arms are wide open and He is smiling, hoping, that they will ask the question; "Will you adopt me?" Without hesitation His answer is "Yes". 

How can we reach out to those who are in need of a family? What scriptures speak about the orphan? 

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