Friday, May 22, 2015

Day 143 - Tasty Morsels

"The stuff that was said was utter foolishness. I'm not sure why any of it would have ever been believed but gossip is a slippery snake."

One of the Proverbs in a modern translation likens gossip to tasty morsels that go deep into the body. But like any candy laced with poison, tasty as it may be, it will either make you sick or kill you. Maybe you have heard it said of gossip that it is juicy. It reminds me of that old bubble gum that had the juice in the center so that the first few bites it was a gushing flavor fest in your mouth. Soon after though the flavor was gone and the gum was hard and tasteless. The only remedy was another piece. 

Gossip is a lot like that. It is juicy and tastes good initially but soon it will turn on you. Soon others won't talk to you because trust has been breached. As they turn on you they will share tasty bits about you with others and your reputation will be tarnished. 

Make the choice not to listen to gossip or to share it. Think before you speak and have the courage to shut it down when others want to share gossip with you. It is tough to do and people won't like you at first but in the end you will be trusted and won't have that poison running through your body. 

Is there a tactful way to stop gossip? How can we determine what to share and what not to share? 

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