Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 144 - The Living Word

"As much as I was wondering how the message would turn out so did it speak to God's people. Some said it was exactly what they needed to hear who have been going through years of trial. One woman said that she had the truth which she knew drop in her heart as a reality in a fresh impacting way. Only God can do that!"

There is a difference between simply hearing a message from the Bible and hearing the Word speak. We all have had times when the Word came alive on the inside of us and it changed our lives. That doesn't happen by the will of man or by eloquent speech. It happens because there is a listening ear of faith in partership with the Holy Spirit teaching and making the Word come alive. 

Many have read the Bible, heard preaching and wondered what was the big deal. Some have gone as far as studying and critiquing. Some even hold it in high regard the way they would other great works throughout the ages. But when you realize that nothing in this world has the power to change anything, all hope is lost without it your faith becomes real. When you believe beyond reason the Word comes alive and becomes your reason. 

Put yourself in position today to hear His voice. Dive into the Word. Get to church. Listen to preaching. Talk about it with your family. Get quiet. Listen. God will make the Word come alive to you!

What has your experience been with the living Word? What factors hinder you from hearing God's voice? 

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