Thursday, May 14, 2015

Day 135 - Another Busy Day

"Another busy day."

There is a danger of being busy and losing track of the day. Sometimes the busyness gets to where we lose track of days on end. 

I am glad that I wrote more than this three word sentence that opened the thoughts from the day. Had I left this my only thought I would have lost a day. What a waste it would have been. 

The good news is that I wrote a whole lot more about what actually happened on this day. It was a day filled with activity, emotion, humor, significance and so much more. It was an important day and by no means a waste. 

We need to make sure that we have more than just busy days. We should always endeavor to see past just the plans and get to the purpose of God for the day. After all, He made the day. He has a purpose for it. Don't let busy creep in and steal significance from you. 

How do you guard against busyness wasting or stealing your days? How can we find the purposes of God amidst a busy life?

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