Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Day 141 - The Deadly Duo

"How the lies of the devil and insecurity of the flesh can cripple us!"

There is a deadly duo that can hinder our efforts and halt us in life. Lies and insecurity. One is demonic the other is fleshly. They feed off each other like cancer cells bringing pain, sickness and try to choke life right out of us.

We don't often know which one came first like the proverbial chicken and the egg (even though we all know the answer to that one). Did the lie come first and then insecurity flooded in or was it our insecurity that opened the door for the lie? Whichever way it happens we are in bad shape if we allow it to continue.

The good news is that we already have the tools to help us overcome. The devil is defeated and every lie is demolished by the truth. Jesus defined truth for us when He was praying to the Father and said "Your word is truth". Light overcomes darkness, Jesus beat the devil and the truth of God's Word overcomes every lie. Not only that but we now are no longer living according to the flesh. Insecurity based on natural ability, looks, education etc. no longer applies. We now can be confident in our position in Christ. It is His strength, ability and power that will take us through every tried and we are ultimately and eternally secure in Him. We wage a spiritual warfare and live life in the spirit now so we are secure in His Spirit.

Don't be crippled by lies and insecurity. Declare the truth of God's Word over your life and confidently live out His promises every day!

What scriptures do you go to when you realize the lies of the enemy are trying to invade your thinking? How can we build confidence in our position in Christ?

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