Sunday, May 3, 2015

Day 124 - Gravity

"It was like gravity; people just came rushing to the altar."

My brother in law was ministering on this day last year. Before he got into the message the Spirit called out for people to give their hearts to the Lord and get saved. He called out in one of the services that there were ten more people and ten people came like they were being pulled from orbit into the atmosphere. It was like gravity. 

There is an old movie that they were adding mass to a planet in order to make it into a star. The more they added the more the core heated up and eventually it would set ablaze and light up. Momentum is like that. When God is doing something He blesses and increases and makes it come alive with light and a glow everyone can feel the warmth from. 

Even our lives, as we shine forth the goodness of God, will attract others. We are to set ourselves on fire and let others come and warm up to the glow of God's goodness  in our lives. 

What attracts you to God like gravity? How can we shine the light of God's goodness to others? 

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