Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 267 - Refresh, Renew, Revitalize

"From Spurgeon: “If old plans will not answer, we must try new ones, for fresh experiments sometimes achieve more than regular methods.” 

This is a good leadership and ministry lesson. We cannot expect the same thing to work with changing culture and generations. Set about in a fresh way or look for a new ministry opportunity. Refresh, renew, revitalize."

I have been living in a transition time of leadership for the past five years. With the transitions I have found that some things are working well. The old saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it" still applies. Also as we ride out the transition there are some things that are not working. With these is where we focus and try new things. 

We often have to refresh. Not just a new coat of paint (though that is not a bad idea sometimes). We need to remind ourselves of purpose. If it no longer applies then what is the purpose? How will you achieve that purpose? Is there a better way to do it? 

If it doesn't just need a refresh then maybe it is time to renew. Start over. Start something new. We never like to shut something down but maybe there needs to be a closure to open something else. 

One of my favorite moments from a recent conference was from Dr. Jim Reeve's message. He passionately asked "How long will you mourn over Saul?!" The question comes from the story of Samuel who was to anoint a new king but was still sad about the previous dynasty and was holding on to the past. Often we keep a death grip on things that we like but need to change. Time to renew. 

The best is last, revitalize. It is time to breathe new life into our business, home, church, and whatever other endeavors we are involved in. This comes with prayer, passion and pursuits. If you have let things get cold then some fresh prayer and passion as well as the pursuit of it will heat it up! 

What are some other ways we can do something new that I didn't list? Have you seen this principle work in business or ministry? 

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