Monday, September 21, 2015

Day 265 - 100 Days Left

"We saw Lecrae on the Tonight Show because he has the number one album in the nation right now."

I remember watching this guy on the television rapping in between the sections of the Tonight Show and thinking "Who is this guy? He's good." I am not a huge rap listener but I know good music and this guy was good. To my joy and surprise it was Lecrae. I had heard some of his albums and have enjoyed some of the compilations he has done with other artists like Chris Tomlin. He is a believer and brother in the Lord. 

At the time he had the number one album so they had him sitting in with The Roots. Jimmy Fallon was interacting with him and said he wanted to have him back as the featured musical guest. 

My heart leaped because there was a Christian who was piercing through the darkness and shining the light of Jesus in mainstream secular culture. 

I am grieved every time I hear someone say that Christian music isn't as good as secular music. First of all that shows me there is no loyalty for the brothers and sisters out there that are trying to represent the Lord through music. Second, when I listen to Christian music versus secular I personally think the Christians are more cutting edge and more creative. Go listen to David Crowder, Rend Collective, Capital Kings, Toby Mac, T-Bone, Switchfoot, or hundreds of others who are pushing the envelope and creating fabulous music for the Lord and His people. There is a reason Hillsong and Bethel music are popular. The music is not just good, it is great! 

As I wrap up this post let me get down of my soapbox and bring home the point. We have one hundred days left of this year. The Holy Spirit is living in you and you have the creative power and insight of God. What could we do with the last one hundred days of the year? Do you remember the goals you set in January? Have you fulfilled those goals? How many of those goals were for there? Like, 'witnessing to my old friends' or 'repairing my relationship with my family'. If we have the power of God in us then we should be impacting the world on a huge scale. The fact is we do. 

Where are you called? What is your part in the Harvest? Who will you tell and how will you do it? Is there a door of opportunity opened to you in business or finance? Are you an artist or musician who is called to that arena? Maybe your calling is in politics or government. You could be called to be a mom who reaches the world one relationship at a time. Whatever the case is run in your lane and do it in the power of the Holy Spirit and like Lecrae, people will sit up and take notice. Isn't that after all what Jesus said? Matthew 5:16 (NKJV) "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

What do you plan to do for the next 100 days? How will it impact eternity? 

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