Saturday, September 12, 2015

Day 256 - Casting the Net

"There was one salvation at church but two girls came forward so maybe both got saved today."

We give altar calls at every church service we hold. In any church service there will be the uninformed, the unbelieving and the believer. So we fish for souls and cast the net. The neat thing is that we are not at it alone. 

There were two times in Jesus interaction with the disciples where they were fishing all night and caught nothing. Jesus showed up and gave them instruction on how to cast and they were able to bring in a supernatural catch. First of all he told them to launch out into the deep. We shouldn't be afraid to engage people on a deep spiritual level. Shallow connections may bring people to church for a while but without a deep connection they won't stay. On the second occasion he says to cast on the right side. When we do things out of a pure motivation, the way God would have us to we will find we get the right results. 

Finally, Peter gives us one more tip. He says to Jesus in the first encounter that they had toiled all night and caught nothing but at His word he would cast out for a catch. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it is the right time or place for fishing for souls. But when we are obedient God moves on our behalf. We have preached on finances and had very stale and informational messages that we didn't think anyone would respond to an altar call. If we were led by feelings we would have skipped the call and dismissed because we would have thought "Who is going to respond after that?" To our surprise we have had huge responses afterward. We were obedient and God blessed our efforts. 

All Christians are called to be fishers of men. Don't go at it alone. Do it God's way, listen to His voice and follow him. Cast out for a catch. 

Can you think of some people right now who you can share the gospel with? When and how will you share with them? 

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