Sunday, September 13, 2015

Day 257 - The Perfect Meal

"We threw down cereal for dinner."

As a kid there were days that I actually had cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner (and possibly dessert too!). To me it was the most perfect food. I didn't think it would ever get old. 

Now that I have children and am responsible for their health and well being I am more aware and try to keep fruits and vegetables as a part of their diet. Every now and then though we are rushing or are just lazy and instead of the traditional foods we turn to that perfect food once again and have cereal for dinner. 

I don't think I could have cereal all the time now. Especially if there was only one type to eat. I imagine that is what the children of Israel may have felt like before they entered the promised land. They were eating manna in the wilderness for forty years! I am sure there were days, if not years, they were just hoping for some variety. 

The one meal I never get tired of is God's Word. No matter how many times I read the same scriptures there is always something new to find. I have been a Christian for 20 years and have been studying the Bible throughout. What amazes me is that there are still times in my studies where I say to myself, "Why have I never seen that scripture before?" I know I have read it but at that moment God made it alive. 

How do you feel about the same thing all the time? Is reading the Bible the same to you or is it different each time? 

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