Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day 253 - Starting in the Middle

"Wednesday isn't a hump day for me but the start of the work week."

Sometimes I don't know the direction I am going when I start writing my daily blog post. I am often fascinated by the creative process that my words take me on and how starting with a thought turns into a real understanding. 

Many times as I write I find that thoughts need to be moved around. Paragraphs will come out part way through that clearly are meant to be introductions. After some cut and paste Magic the thoughts are organized and make better sense. 

I start my work week on Wednesday and work through Sunday because that is where the action is for my job and what I do. Weekends at church are so important that we start in the middle to prepare. 

What does all this have to do with you? Glad you asked. 

Many times people don't start a project or get going on life because they don't know where to begin. I would encourage you if you feel this way to just start with what you have. Begin somewhere, even if it is in the middle. When you get further into whatever it is you can sort out the details and make things pretty. 

Do you have an idea or motivation but don't know where to start? Is there a 'middle' that you could start on to get things moving? 

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