Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day 120 - It Never Gets Old

"I always love looking into the eyes of the people getting saved. It never gets old seeing the faces of people ready to be brought to life. Some smiling, some in tears, some afraid, some ready. I pray they all are fruit that remains."

I get the unique privilege as a preaching pastor to give altar calls and to see the fruit of my labors in the gospel. We cast the net and then we gather in the results. The most wonderful part of it all is that it never gets old. We do an altar call every service and it never gets old. 

I never tire of seeing the joy of someone who is happy to be in church giving their heart to the Lord. I never tire of seeing the tears of repentance streaming down the faces of men and women who are leaving behind a world that chewed them up and spat them out. I never tire of seeing the broken and the hurting come to Jesus for healing and restoration. 

My prayer is that every one becomes a disciple, following Jesus for the rest of their days.  It is a heartbreak to think that thousands walk our aisles every year but only hundreds return and commit. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for the hundreds. As a pastor, and a Christian, I want to see people locked into Jesus for all their days. That is why I do what I do, why I preach and teach with passion, why I pray for the lost. 

It never gets old. 

What blesses you most when you see people make a decision to follow the Lord? How can we encourage people to come back to church? 

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