Thursday, April 9, 2015

Day 100 - Growing Forward

"Thank God for spiritual progress! Not only in people but in me! I don't want to ever stay the same. May I grow and may my prayers grow with me."

This is an appropriate entry for the 100th Thoughts From Last Year post.

I started this blog for a lot of reasons. Little did I know God had His own reasons. I am amazed that after only 100 days of this blog that thousands of people from dozens of nations spread over 6 continents would have visited and read my little thoughts.

Even with all that it is not the end of what God is doing. He is doing something in me. I am growing through this process of writing and sharing these flashes of inspiration from last year. I see how history really does repeat itself. I see that hindsight really is 20/20. I see that if we don't deal with an issue the right way that the issue will come back to deal with us. I also see how God is in and through every part of our lives.

God often takes what we do and makes more out of it. That is growth!

When you look back on last year until now how have you grown?


  1. This is interesting since I just noticed Facebook is reminding us of past posts. This mornings ''memory'' was such a blessing as it reminded me of a post I wrote 4 years ago. It was the day I first spoke in tongues. I shared about the word Pastor Jim brought forth & the gift I was given to speak in tongues and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Looking back now and remembering the battle I was about to face at that time, I see why I was blessed with that gift, to intercede and pray for my family. As I reflect on that season of life, I see God all over that situation! And my gift was one of my swords I used to battle and a gift I will always hold on to.

    1. Those are great memories. I'm glad that you were able to be reminded of such a powerful time that continues to bless you today!
