Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 118 - Going Through the Motions

"I had to go through all the motions."

No one likes to go through the motions but sometimes we have to. Things don't always work and duty calls us to our post. Some life occurrences require steps one two and three before you get results.

I like to play golf. It is a relaxing game. Being outdoors and looking over the views of the course is calming and clears my mind. As much as I like the game I am not the best player. I can hit the ball well at times and I am sure with more practice I would get better but at times I have a nasty slice.

What makes all the difference is the motions. Mentally I have to slow myself down to think through the game and what I need to do in order to hit well. Distance, club, stance, hands, swing. If one of these is off then when I hit the ball I won't reach the hole. So I go through the motions.

In life, our habits can help us and the motions with clear thought can actually benefit us. If we can identify the goal, look at the process to get there and take the time to go through the motions we will end up where we want to be.

What are the motions you dread but know you have to go through? Are there any motions you enjoy going through?

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