Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 104 - Getting it right

"The moon rose full over the Yucaipa ridge. It is supposed to be red at around midnight or 2 am tonight. I want to see it so I will either stay up or set an alarm. Or both!"

I should have went with both! It turns out that the website I was looking at to determine the time of the eclipse that would cause a blood moon that night was showing me Eastern time. I am in Pacific Standard time so I ended up getting up at 2 am and stood outside looking at the moon and waiting to see a total lunar eclipse that had already happened. 

Thankfully we are in a season of four blood moons in two years and just this past weekend I had another opportunity to see a blood moon. This time I checked and double checked the time for Pacific Standard. I woke up early and was able to see the blood moon and even got the cool picture at the top of this page. (My Instagram friends have already seen this @roth_dan) 

The lesson, and there is one today, is that if you mess up once it is not the end. Don't quit at failure. Move forward and get it right the next time. I have heard of so many successful people who used failure to get stronger and learn forward. Thomas Edison was asked about his failures in making a filament for the light bulb and responded by saying "I have not failed 700 times. I've succeeded in proving 700 ways how not to build a light bulb." Abraham Lincoln was defeated at the polls more than he succeeded. And yet he is one of our nations greatest leaders. 

So measure twice and cut one, take your time and learn the lesson. Don't stop at failure. Failure is where we grow from. 

Have you ever had an epic failure that you were able to learn from? What other examples of failure from history or the Bible do you know of?

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