Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Day 119 - Someone to Love

"One guy was talking to everyone and probably was strung out. He would repeat himself and eventually was singing a song pretty passionately."

I know you have been there too. You're waiting in a line for something and it is hot outside. People are standing around with frowns on their faces and no one wants to talk. Everyone just wants to hurry up and get home where they can get some relief. 

From nowhere a guy walks up and has no clue about lines, personal space or non-verbal communication. He breaks every rule and when he is told there is a line he politely goes to the back and engages whoever will talk to him in conversation. 

Here is where it gets tough. No one wants to talk. So he continues to talk and look around trying to get eye contact so he knows someone is listening. 

I was raised to be polite and to look people in the eye when they were addressing me. You know what that means? That means that I am the guy the talker wants to talk to. The only respite I get is when the line moves. If I don't look back then my name could potentially become 'Buddy' or 'Dude' so that he can get eye contact again. 

I remember looking at the guy (not the proverbial one we were discussing a moment ago but the real one from last year in the line I was in) and thinking to myself while he passionately sang a song no one knew, "He must have been neglected as a child." 

It is sad but many times people make choices based on a wrong view of love. "Maybe if I do this they will love and accept me." Actions, style of clothing, style of music, systems of thought and morals are all on the table if someone will love them. People will run into bad decisions that lead to bad places in their search for love and acceptance. 

The saddest part is that Jesus is continually there to offer both. Jesus will listen and laugh and weep with them. He will never leave them nor forsake them. They just don't see Him when they are looking for someone to make eye contact with them so they move past Him. That is why it is so important that we slow down, endure heat, step outside of our social rules of engagement and love with the love of Jesus. We can't be the friend that sticks closer than a brother but He can. 

So I guess the fact that I am the only one who will make eye contact isn't such a bad thing. God uses the available and the obedient. Let's love with the love we have received. 

How do you do in situations like the one I described? In what ways can we engage people with the love of Jesus? 

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