Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Day 105 - Fanatics

"Our friends got a new dog and named him Rocky even though we offered all our suggestions (Shadow, floppy and pepper)."

We have some great friends in our church who are there almost every time the doors are open. They volunteer in various ministries and always have a smile and a good word to say. Good people!

Last year they got a dog and named him Rocky. I like the name. It is a good name for a dog. At the time I didn't realize it but they weren't naming the dog after a famous boxing movie. They named the dog Rocky because they love our church...The Rock Church

There is something that sparks a flame when people are passionate. I am often moved when I see people on their knees at the altar weeping before God and pouring out their hearts. I get joy when I see people passionately playing their instruments and praising God. I feel like giving when I hear stories of others who abundantly bless others or who sacrifice for the cause of Christ. 

We need more fanatics. We need people who will wear the t-shirt, paint their faces and scream at total strangers because they are sold out for Jesus. We can do it for all kinds of sports teams but not for God?!

 This past weekend for the first time we had people on the streets waving the signs that point to our church like they do for businesses and model homes. That is how it should be. We should have lines before church. And not just Easter. We need lines for the least recognized day of the year service. Why? Because God is worthy of it! If we are truly sold out we will be at every service we can, serve in various capacities, smile and speak good things about what the Lord is doing in church. Oh...and we would have a lot more dogs named Rocky too!

What excites you about church? What are some ways we can promote involvement? 

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